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30. Hazrat Shah Abu Saeed h

[ to be translated in English ]

مجھہ کو اور اولاد کوبھی میرے کردے تو سعید
[ to be translated in English ] بو سعیدِ باحیاؤ باخدا کے واسطے

- Extracts from Sijra-ay-Tayyiba - Shiekh Syed Mahmood Hassan Rizvi (Rehmat'ullah Alaiyh)
حضرت سیدمیاں محمّد حسن محمود رضوی نقشبدی مجددی عزیزی رحمتاالله علیه

Translation to English by Anwar-un-Nabi [please forgive any mistakes]

Hadhrat Hāfiz Shāh Abū Saeed Fārūqī Dehlavī Mujaddidī Naqshbandī (1196-1250 AH), may Allah sanctify his soul, is one of the greatest yet less known Awliya of India. He was a khalīfā and spiritual successor of the Mujaddid of 13th Islamic century Hadhrat Shāh Ghulām Alī Dehlavī (1156-1240 AH), may Allāh be pleased with him.

It is narrated by ‘Umar bin al-Khattāb that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) said:

"Among Allāh’s servants there are some who are neither prophets nor martyrs but on the Day of Judgement the prophets and the martyrs will envy their grades. The Companions asked: ‘O Messenger of Allāh, tell us, who are those people?’ He replied: ‘those are the people who love one another on Allāh’s count. They are neither related to one another nor do they have any property to exchange. I swear on Allāh that they will have faces of light,they will be on pulpits of light. They will not have any fear when others will be afraid, they will not have any grief when others will be aggrieved.’ Then he recited the verse: Beware! No doubt, there is no fear for the friends of Allāh nor shall they be sad and sorrowful. "

[Qur’ān (Yūnus, Jonah) 10:62.]

Abū Dāwūd, Sunan, b. of ijārah (wages) 3:288 (#3527); Bayhaqī, Shu‘ab-ul-īmān, (6:486#8998,8999); Khatīb Tabrīzī, Mishkāt-ul-masābīh, b. of adab (good manners) ch.16 (3:75-6#5012).  [src: Ch3 of Beseeching for Help, Tahir-ul-Qadri]